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Are you a
Wild Woman in Business?

A Wild Woman in Business is a brave person that has chosen to shake off societal expectations and walk their own path in life, choosing self employment as a way of achieving true freedom.

Wild Women in Business literally change the world!

But the life of a Wild Woman in Business can also be that of a lone Wolf...

It can be lonely, feeling out of place talking to other 'real' business people and lacking clarity on how to create a strategy that aligns with your soul AND is successful at the same time. 

Sound familiar?

Strategy with Soul

Faye helps Wild Women in Business evolve from being conflicted and confused to having a clear vision; Empowering them to create a successful business aligning their strategy with soul so that they can live a life filled with passion, purpose and financial freedom.

Faye is a successful Wild Woman in Business that ditched the life of a Chartered Senior Buyer in the Automotive world and founded her own business aligned with her values and interest in nature and creativity so that she could make a better life for her family and for the world.

She used her 1st Class Degree in Business & Strategy to Franchise the company and now has a team of people across the UK working with her, receiving her mentorship, empowered to live their dream too.

Through seeing the transformation that her mentoring had on these brave people combined with her other qualifications in Advanced Wilderness Therapeutic Approaches, Yoga & Meditation Faye felt the call to help others achieve their dreams of true freedom also as Wild Women in Business using her unique skillset and so she now offers her services to those that are ready to journey together, working on aligning their strategy with soul so that they can live a life filled with passion & purpose.

Are you ready to start this journey?

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Your journey

If you are looking for a Business Mentor that not only has a solid business background but also understands running a heart centred business that aligns with your soul's purpose then I would love to join you on your journey.

The ways that I can help are listed below:

* Strategy & Soul 121 Mentorship (online & in-person options) - from a Power Hour to an ongoing Mentorship program I can support you in developing a clear vision of success and how you can achieve it.

Email me here to discovery more

* Strategy in the Woods Day with Faye (121 or Group) - This is a strategy session like no other! No spreadsheets, no boardroom just you, me and the Woods to work through your Strategy using creative practices as well as my Wilderness Therapeutic Approaches to guide us in this session. Sessions are held in person at a few different venues in the West Midlands and include snacks and lunch.

Email me here to discovery more

* Group Creativity in the Woods day with Faye - These days include a Forest Bathing workshop, campfire lunch (when possible) and creativity workshop designed to unlock your creativity through mindfulness and playfulness in nature.

These days aren't just for business people but for anyone wanting to bring more creativity, relaxation and playfulness to their lives.

Click here to see all available dates

Confused & conflicted?...Let's have a chat

If you are feeling confused and conflicted, you know that you need to develop a solid strategy aligned with your soul but do not know where to start then let's just have a chat.

Book in for a FREE call with me where I can offer you some ideas and see if we are aligned to journey together.

Email me here to book a call now

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